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크랙 뷰티

by 하늘과바람과눈과비 2023. 9. 29.

close up of a person's face on a cracked surface

모델: DreamShaperXL

a close up of a person's face on a cracked surface, inspired by Alberto Seveso, featured on zbrush central, orange fire/blue ice duality, portrait of an android, fractal human silhouette, red realistic 3 d render, blue and orange, subject made of cracked clay, woman, made of lava 


이 사이트의 이미지는 모두 이미지 생성형 인공지능 Stable Diffusion을 사용해 생성하였습니다. 생성 방법은 https://www.internetmap.kr을 방문해 보세요~


close up of a person's face on a cracked surface

'StableDiffusion' 카테고리의 다른 글

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