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우키요에 스타일 동양화

by 하늘과바람과눈과비 2023. 10. 5.

deep distant landscape painting, mountains, rivers, trees, chinese style buildings

모델: DreamShaperXL

deep distant landscape painting, mountains, rivers, trees, chinese style buildings, smoky atmospheric, ancient Japan, masterpiece, best quality, ukiyo-e, framed, white border, black and red and white colours, highly detailed. <lora:add_detail_xl> <lora:xl_more_art_full> [Style Selector - fantasy art] 


이 사이트의 이미지는 모두 이미지 생성형 인공지능 Stable Diffusion을 사용해 생성하였습니다. 생성 방법은 https://www.internetmap.kr을 방문해 보세요~


deep distant landscape painting, mountains, rivers, trees, chinese style buildings



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