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by 하늘과바람과눈과비 2023. 12. 18.

arafed statue of a demon with red eyes and a red eye,  wearing samurai armor


프롬프트: close up of arafed statue of a demon with red eyes and a red eye, cgsociety and fenghua zhong, wearing samurai armor, portrait of a cosmic god, intricate devilish designs, 3 d goddess portrait, inspired by Hirohiko Araki, red scales on his back, cycle render, the fire king, year 3022, painted character portrait, demon samurai, dark background, colorful, dramatic studio lighting, dark studio, dimly lit <lora: xl_more_art-full_v1> <lora: add-details-xl>

arafed statue of a demon with red eyes and a red eye,  wearing samurai armor


arafed statue of a demon with red eyes and a red eye,  wearing samurai armor

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